Mentor Program

The mentor-protégé relationship is an ongoing and key aspect of the Construction Manager-in-Training (CMIT®) program. Mentors provide CMITs with guidance and support, to ensure CMITs are on the right track to obtain the experience necessary to qualify for the CCM®. CMITs can request a CCM as a mentor from the Mentor Directory.

Mentor Program Guide: To help guide this process, CMAA provides mentors and protégés with the CMIT Mentor Program Guide.


A mentor acts as both a career coach and a role model.  As a mentor, you will be required to challenge your mentee and provide them with feedback when needed. There will be times when you may not personally be able to assist your mentee. During those times, it will be your job, as a mentor, to connect your mentee with the appropriate people (e.g., other professionals or academic institutes).


  • Have an open and candid relationship with their mentee;
  • Are not required to have face-to-face interactions or create job opportunities; and
  • Must be an active CCM or CCM-RET.

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A mentee is responsible for understanding the nature of your relationship with your mentor and managing their expectations accordingly. Understand that the mentors are volunteering their time and respect the valuable time contributed by their mentor.


  • Should not expect a mentor to always have an answer to every question;
  • Are responsible for coming fully prepared to each meeting with their mentor;
  • Are not required to have face-to-face interactions; and
  • Are not guaranteed enhanced job opportunities.

to identify a potential mentor.